Convocation of the Holy Family starts in:
August 18
6 AM Devotionals with Jesus (Conference Call)
9 AM Worship
10 AM Presider's Message
11 AM Ministry to the Saints, Exhortations, Flow of the Holy Spirit
12 NOON Koinonia Meal (Please register for planning purposes)
7 PM Prayer, Worship, Ministry to the Saints, Message
August 19
6 AM Devotionals with Jesus (Conference Call)
9 AM Worship
10 AM Presider's Message
11 AM Ministry to the Saints, Exhortations, Flow of the Holy Spirit
12 NOON Koinonia Meal (Please register for planning purposes)
6 PM Prayer, Worship, Ministry to the Saints, Message
August 20
9 AM Discipleship Training
10 AM Worship
12 NOON Koinonia Meal (Please register for planning purposes)
Conference Call: â€(605) 313-51656, 947612#
Doors open 1 hour prior to service